Design Manager Survey Reveals Interior Designers Are Optimistic in the Face of COVID-19

Article originally published on April 24, 2020 on Design Manager

In January, the international interior design community was looking forward to bright prospects for 2020 and a full calendar of events promising new inspiration, innovation, and business transactions. By early February, COVID-19 had spread across China and quickly traveled to Italy, devastating two of the design and manufacturing industry’s biggest contributors. By the second week of March, the United States was in full lockdown, as the threat of the pandemic forced federal and state governments to issue orders of quarantine, self isolation, and work from home policies. 

Now that nearly two months have passed since the initial onset, the interior design community has had the ability to begin making plans to adjust for an altered future landscape. Design Manager is dedicated to guiding interior designers through these uncertain times, meeting their changing needs, and serving the community in every way possible as we propel the interior design industry to become better and stronger than ever. 

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