DesignerInc Technology Platform and Marketplace Provides Online Furniture Market Solution For Those In The Interior Design Trade Affected By Brick And Mortar Closures

Original article posted on PRN Newswire.

SAN FRANCISCO, March 25, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Following is a message from Heather Gillette, Founder & CEO of DesignerInc: 

As a valued member of the DesignerInc community and design trade member, I want to share how we are responding to the negative impact of COVID-19 on the interior design and furniture manufacturing industry.  

Our thoughts are with those directly affected and those who have friends or family members affected by the situation. We have begun efforts to help the design trade ecosystem continue operating during this challenging time.  

To support vendors and trade shows facing event postponements and cancellations, we are offering online-only versions of these events via our DesignerInc MKT. We are also expanding our coverage of the Spring Market season by offering DesignerInc MKT from April through June. Vendors can set up special promotions just as they normally would, and reach designers while they shop online! 

DesignerInc MKT emulates the activities and marketing opportunities traditionally offered offline and in-person. Designers currently not registered on DesignerInc are encouraged to register and experience DesignerInc MKT for themselves by visiting

We will continue to monitor the impact on our industry and work with our partners to help them reach designers online. We believe in the power of design to bring communities together in challenging times, and we encourage feedback from our partners, designers, and the broader trade community on how DesignerInc can support all of you during such an unprecedented moment for the world and for the design trade.  

You can reach me and the team any time via

Warmest regards,  

Heather Gillette CEO 

For more information or images, please contact

SOURCE DesignerInc

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